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Week of Social and Humanitarian disciplines of KUTEL

1-7 October 2015 to intensify scientific and methodical, organizational and educational work of teachers and students in the new academic year was organized a week of Chair of Social and Humanitarian disciplines.

1 October to adapt first-year students, the responsibility for the education of future profession possession held a meeting with university graduates of past years who hold responsible positions in enterprises, including:

Hotel "RUS"

Bezkorovayna Julia - Head of Marketing and organization activities; graduate 2002, direction "Management"

Kyrychok Inna - specialist for the sale of Marketing; grauate 2007, direction "International Economic Relations"

Shapkin Dmytro - the manager of the restaurant facilities; graduate 2002, direction "Management"

LLC "Travel company" Sekhmet-Travel"

Taran Tatiana - Director; graduate 2008, direction "Tourismology"

Insignia Lifestyle Boutique

Kuleshov Kirill - Chief of the concierge, the youngest winner of the golden key international concierge association; graduate 2010, the direction of "Hotel and restaurant business".

6 October hold a meeting and official talks on cooperation and mutual assistance of representatives of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Research Institute) with employees Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law (KUTEL).

The purpose of the meeting was to establish cooperation between the two sides in the field of research: the passage of scientific training, create research centers to conduct joint research, exchange of information and research results, writing of joint scientific projects for grants.

Research Institute represented by a delegation led by the Institute deputy director Professor A.L. Zinchenko and employees of the institute, head of the department of educational technology and the popularization of Ukrainian T.I. Boyko, Executive Secretary D.V. Talochka. Representatives from KUTEL were first rector Doctor of Education N.A. Fomenko, vice-rector of scientific work V.S. Pazenok, vice-rector of organizational and pedagogical work O.I. Nelin, professor of social and human sciences chair G.S. Tsehmistrova, teaching staff of departments.

Meeting with Research Institute delegation and teachers of KUTEL began with a welcoming speech of Vice Rector N.A. Fomenko, which noted the importance of cooperation between higher education and research institutions. In her speech before teachers of KUTEL deputy director A.L. Zinchenko acquainted with the overall structure of the Research Institute, the main directions of its work and outlined the issues related to cooperation in the scientific field. To library fund was transferred the magazine «Ukrainian» № 1, 2, and teachers were invited to publish on the pages of scientific articles and reviews.

In T.I. Boyko speech the focus was on activities that were carried out on the initiative of Research Institute and faculty KUTEL was invited to participate in scientific activities for announcements Research Institute website. It was suggested joint contest of research works of Ukrainian students and graduate students.

D.V. Talochka noted that cooperation strategically important task KUTEL and Research Institute is the disclosure of the intellectual potential of students and young scientists. He expressed willingness Research Institute to promote research activities and professional development of young people, in particular by providing practical training for students and graduate students quality training.

The outcome of negotiations between KUTEL and Research Institute is signing an agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance, the development of a specific work plan for the next period.

October 7th Round Table "Pedagogical thinking: 10 steps to the skill of the teacher," during which university teachers exchanged views on the value of a skills training to find new technology training, self-education, competence, spirituality, communication skills, creativity, innovation, experience and competitiveness as a prerequisite self-assertion and self-lecturer in educational activities.

October 12 on the plan of the department and the initiative of Economics and Law University in the auditorium held an educational event dedicated to the Day of Defender of Ukraine, which invited Ivan Metelica. Done viewing and discussion of the documentary film "Airport". Welcoming remarks were made by the Rector of the University, Doctor of Education, Professor Fedorchenko V.K.; Doctor of History, Professor Mukovskyy I.T.; Director of Economics and Law Martyniuk I.A.

Tsehmistrova G.S















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