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November 28 - Day of Holodomor victims

"Light a candle"

Measures to 82th anniversary of Holodomor in Kyiv

24 November at 18.30. Memorial to Holodomor victims - Ariadne Ohrimovych presentation of the film "Holodomor: the voices of witnesses (2015)"

25 November. Memorial to Holodomor victims - Opening of the exhibition "The people of the truth."

26 November at 12.00. Memorial of Holodomor victims - Presentation of the exhibition Ukrainian memorial ritual loaves "Bread that was not cooked"

27 November at 18.00. Memorial to Holodomor victims - children's premiere exhibition "Bread for Angel" (with NTSNK "Ivan Honchar Museum" and children folk school "Oreli").

28 November at 16.00. Memorial to victims of Holodomor - Ukrainian action "Light a Candle"

28 November at 15.00 at the Holodomor Victims Memorial events held in commemoration of Holodomor victims.

The memory of Holodomor 1932-1933

 Ukraine in 1932-1933 experienced a terrible tragedy - Holodomor, which claimed millions of lives.

 The communist regime not only tried to hide the truth about the Holodomor in Ukraine, but also permanently destroy the memory chips of the crime. Dangerous was not just write about it in the press, letters to the party "leaders" or relatives abroad, but even to mention in private diaries. Any careless record could destroy life, result in decades GULAG camps. However, despite all the dangers in the hardest times were the people who, feeling their responsibility to future generations, could not remain silent, trying to tell the truth.

 This year we remember the people of truth - those who are not afraid to speak and write about the famine even in times when it could cost lives.

 In the fourth Saturday in November in Ukraine under Kuchma Presidential Decree № 1310/98 and President Yushchenko № 431/2007 celebrates the Day of Holodomor victims. Each year the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance Day offers a special theme to highlight a particular aspect of Holodomor 1932-1933. This year, this theme is "People of Truth" - a special commemoration of people who risked career, freedom or even life did everything to preserve and disseminate truthful information about Holodomor.

The slogan of events in 2015 - "the world to know."

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